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Auxiliaries & Ministries

Men’s Ministry

The Men’s Ministry is an arm of the church for the express purpose of ministering to men. Through fellowship, Bible Study, recreational outings, and mutual support the men’s ministry seeks to establish men as followers of Christ.


Women’s Ministry
This entity supports and serves Pastor Whittley and his vision for ministry through various auxiliaries (i.e., Mother’s Board, Missionaries, Christian Women's Council (49 & under), Evangelists, etc.). Its principal function is the mobilizing of women for outreach, positive involvement, and service to the comprehensive ministries of the church.


Christian Education
A comprehensive ministry of Christian education in support of the church’s mission and objectives is realized through Sunday School classes for all ages, YPWW, Bible Institute, and Missionary Training Programs.


Music Ministry
Our Choirs, under the direction of Music Pastor Robert Whittley Jr. that includes CT Chorale, Women’s, Men’s, Youth and Musician's Board, are dedicated to ushering God’s people beyond the veil into the presence of the Most High God. In every service people are healed, delivered, and set free as they participate and respond to God’s clarion call for anointed music ministry. 


Evangelistic & Outreach Ministries
Ministering arms of our ministry that meet physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of both membership and community.


Pastoral Care
The ministry is designed to give special care and attention to the Pastor and to his family.


Ministry of Helps
This ministry consists of Ushers, Nurses, Greeters, and Hospitality Workers. Ushers make the first impression on an attendant as he/she enters the door and is an extension of God’s hands to the people. The Nurse’s unit is a group of people trained to handle or direct medical problems that may arise during any service. They are available to serve at meetings, funerals, and on trips. Greeters provide an atmosphere of warmth and acceptance to staff, members, and especially to visitors for all worship services.


Children’s Ministry
In a positive and wholesome Christian environment, this ministry provides spiritual support, Godly education, and counsel for children and parents. Children’s Church is designed to service, train and inspire, making the most of ministering the Word of God to children at an early age.


Youth Ministry
This group is designed to attract youth between the ages of 13 to 18. Ministries include Mime, Youth Choir, Step Teams, Drama, and Praise Dance. Its emphasis is oriented toward the spiritual and natural development of teens in ministry. Involvement in various auxiliary ministries not only helps them discover God-given talents, but also allows them to reach other young people who need God.


Membership Services
This group serves by welcoming, nurturing, embracing, and leading new members to proper membership involvement. They provide quality information and resources that signify the heart of Pastor & First Lady Whittley’s love and pastoral care. This entity is also intricately involved in the special needs of all members (i.e. weddings, baptisms, christenings, etc.)


Marketing and Communications
This dedicated group of individuals assists the Pastor by providing quality tools to market & highlight the special programs and events of the church. They are also responsible for ensuring that the public and members at large are aware of special events.


Proper accounting and record keeping of the church’s finances is invaluable for the church’s ongoing existence. Finance Team members are chosen by the Pastor and are dedicated to ensuring the church remains financially solvent through proper purchasing, payment, and record keeping of all needed items.


Sunday School
This is a part of the Christian Education Ministry of the church, which is held every Saturday evenings on our Virtual Zoom platform. Each family is encouraged to join in on these classes for spiritual development.


Scholastic Motivation Ministries
Scholastic Motivation Ministries seeks to stimulate Christian growth and development of young people of Middle and High School age through prayer, Bible Study, fellowship, and other planned activities.

Main objectives:

1)To minister to the total person
2)To help the young person accomplish his/her full potential in Christ

Fine Arts
This group is made up of people who are interested in the arts, making or doing things that display form, beauty, and unusual perception in music, painting, sculpture, literature and drama.


Bible Institute
The Institute is a part of the Christian Education Ministry of the church. The Dean and teachers are selected by the Pastor. The Pastor may also teach classes. All members are encouraged to join weekly on our Virtual Zoom platform.


Married Couples
This exciting, active ministry of the church provides opportunities, resources, classes, fellowship, and activities for married couples in various stage of their relationship.


Care & Share Food Pantry
A division of our Outreach Ministry and conducted by the Missionary Board, this entity is designed to provide food for families in our immediate and surrounding community. Food items are distributed weekly with love and care.


Entrepreneurial Alliance
This unique group of individuals has interests in establishing and excelling in entrepreneurial endeavors. This ministry was formed as a support and resource to those persons in the congregation who seek to begin, maintain and become successful in their own businesses.


Hospital & Senior Visitation
Those who are sick or incapacitated can still feel the love of the Pastor and the church through a dedicated group of believing members who visit and correspond to the needs of these individuals while they remain unable to make services.


The Cathedral of Praise

4520 West Washington Boulevard
Chicago, Illinois  60624
Phone: (773) 261-3309
Fax: (773) 261-5950

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©2020 by Jo Allison

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